Saturday, July 22, 2006

First HYIP Investment Choice

The first program I have invested in is

They started July 20th and I am investing today, July 22nd. The site stats are as follows:

Active members: 43
Total deposits: $1031.5
Total payouts: $135.5

My stats are as follows:

eGold Balance: $150
Percentage to Invest: 10%
Total Investment: $15

They have two plans. One that pays out 10% daily. And one that pays out 250% after 10 days. Due to the great reward offered by the second plan I will be putting $5 in there but not my whole amount becuase it is much riskier than the first plan.

The first plan I will put my remaining $10 in and since this site pays out automatically I will let it run for as long as it can although I doubt it will be the full 60 day period it states.


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